Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Germany arrests suspect in plot to attack U.S. targets

In Berlin, Germany, a German of Turkish origin known as Kadir T, was arrested under suspicion of helping terrorists that planned to attack the U.S troops in Germany. he was getting a video camera and night-vision equipment to ship to Wairistan in Pakistan for the terrorist group.

A terrorist group named the Islamic Jihad Union Group trained four men that are on trial in Germany for planning attacks against U.S. installations. These four men, Fritz Gelowicz, Martin Schneider, Adem Yilmaz and Attila Selek are known as the "Sauerland Group." Three of the men mixed together explosive combinations that would have caused a massive explosion in September 2007, but were arrested before anything could happen. The charges they are facing are "membership in foreign and domestic terrorist groups, preparation of explosives, plotting to murder and plotting to commit a crime using explosives," the court said.

The group killed about 47 people when they set off a bunch of suicide bombs in April 2004, but up until that time they were not known, "according to the Memorial Institute for the prevention of Terrorism. The nonprofit organization is funded by the Department of Homeland Security.


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