Thursday, September 3, 2009

Gunmen kill 17 people at a drug rehab in Mexico

The drug wars in Mexico continue with the killings of 17 people in a rehab center. In Ciudad Juarez, Mexico the gunmen broke into a drug rehabilitation center and started to line people against a wall. They shot 17 dead and injured 5 in one of Mexico’s bloodiest day yet. This attack followed the killing of the No. 2 security official in President Felipe Calderon's home state.

Dozens of sobbing relatives rushed to the rehabilitation center to find out if their loved ones were among the dead there were soldiers and federal agents that patrolled the streets surrounding the center in the Bellavista neighborhood. Calderon, sent thousands of more troops and federal police to Ciudad Juarez earlier this year, but the surge has done little to stem the raging violence. (

Since 2006 when Calderon was elected drug gang violence has surged, claiming more than 13,500 lives, including more than 1,000 police officers. With the death toll being so high I don’t know why their government hasn’t been able to take control. I don’t think we would ever have a problem like this in the U.S. there is no way are government would even let it get that bad. We wouldn’t be able to leave the house if this was the case.
Emil Gilbert

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