Tuesday, September 8, 2009

2 China Wal-Mart workers arrested after death

In Beijing two employees of a Wal-Mart store in eastern China were arrested after a woman was beaten to death outside the store on suspicion that she was shop lifting. The 37-year old woman was going home Aug. 30 when she was surrounded by five Wal-Mart employees, four men and one woman, all in their twenties who accused her of shoplifting. One of the men requested a receipt. But after the woman handed it over, she took it back, saying no one was wearing a Wal-Mart uniform and she didn't believe they worked there. That’s when the Wal-Mart employees fought her to the ground and she was taken to a hospital where she died a couple days later.

The police statement said that two employees were detained but. It did not give details about the other three. Wal-Mart is cooperating with authorities and extends its condolences to the woman's family.(http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090908/ap_on_bi_ge/as_china_wal_mart)

I can’t believe that this happened at a Wal-Mart. I know this is in China but I’m pretty sure that all the stores no matter where their located go by the same rules procedures and in those procedures you cannot put your hands on anybody stealing or not. In this incident she was not even stealing. If this happened here in the states the family would get way more than just condolences they would be getting paid and they would have everybody evolved charged with murder.

Emil Gilbert

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