Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Human fat yields multipurpose stem cells

A new study by Stanford University School of Medicine has found that you can make stem cells from fat cells sucked out during liposuction. This is a huge breakthrough which could help create cures for many diseases. Stem cells used to be made by skin cells which took seven to eight weeks, but now the new fat cells can be turned into stem cells in about one or two weeks. The average amount of fat removed during liposuction is about six times more than the amount needed to create stem cells. This means the availability of the cells will be higher and more scientists will have access to them which means more research. Some uses for stem cells: muscle tissue repair, artificial organs, and cures for diseases.

One of the things I was most interested in was the ability to make artificial organs. I have a few family members who have passed away from failed organs and/or currently have organ problems. If somehow they do find a way to create those artificial organs, it would change many peoples lives for the better, giving them a second chance.


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