Monday, September 7, 2009

Jimena weakens to a tropical depression

Hurricane Jimena hit Mexico's Baja California peninsula that flooded the area and took a man's life. After passing through Mexico, Jimena's winds lowered to 35 mph and it's status dropped to a tropical depression.

When hurricane Jimena was heading towards Mexico at a category 4 with 150 mph winds, tourists left and local residents had to seek shelter. Jimena was heading towards Los Cabos, "multimillion dollar resorts, " but it seemed to miss it and hit smaller towns instead. Jimena destroyed 4,000 of the resident's homes and according to forecasters, flash floods and waves were heading that way too.

Some residents on the Island refused to leave their belongings because they feared that someone would come by and steal it. So a lot of residents were evacuated, but some stayed home with their stuff.

The only good thing that came out of the storm was rain that they needed because they have gone with no rain for a while.

It is sad that the Islands are more at risk for hurricanes and tropical storms than any other country. When we went through Hurricane Charley, I remember going without electric for over a week and witnessing the storm tearing through the city like nothing. Pool cages, trampolines, and tree branches were some of the things that I witnessed blowing down the street during that time. Only a couple stores were open if they had a generator to run it, and there was barely any gas to go around, along with food and supplies. It was just a terrible time that I don't ever want to relive and would never wish that anyone to go through that.

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