Thursday, September 3, 2009

No More Cords. ... Ever.


What I mean to say by the title of this post isn't that we are 100% free of cords. What I mean to say is that we're heading towards a cordless future. A reality in which we don't need any cords at all. Ever.

Impossible you say? WiTricity disagrees with all sense of their being. How can I tell? Who else has wireless electricity? Soon you won't need a cord to charge your laptop or cell phone. You won't have to plug in your TV or computer to an outlet. Even electricity can be made wireless. The technology is not yet commercially available but the CEO of WiTricity believes it will be soon. This kind of revolution could change the way we use electronics in general. Electric cars for example. The article makes a point of just driving into a garage fitted with a charge pad and it would charge then and there.

We already have smaller versions of these devices. There are pads you can set your cell phone and game system on that will charge them without wires but what they're looking towards goes beyond that. It's one thing to imagine your house attached to an electric wire with electric pads within to send the power throughout your house... it's another to imagine no more electrical wiring strung up around the city. Sending the power large distances wirelessly is the overall goal... but is it safe? There are indeed health concerns and I don't know about you, but constantly being exposed to the magnetic equivalent of electricity doesn't spark me as a good thing.

As I said before, this could be revolutionary. This could change EVERYTHING. Freedom from restraint of the cords that "bind us". I'm very... what's the term... techy? I have a lot of electronics and they're stuck in certain places due to cords. Elimination of cords would allow me to better set up my entertainment center. To better set up my computer. To overall do everything better than I did before. Eliminate the safety concerns and I'd be all for this idea. It would lead us to a future with no more cords. ... ever.

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