Saturday, August 29, 2009

Dutch court halts girl's solo sailing plans

A Dutch court intervened Friday to stop a 13-year-old girl from attempting to sail around the world by herself, stripping her parents of sole custody. The 13 year old girl Laura Dekker's parents support her with her decision to sail around the world by herself that’s when it started to catch the concerns of child protection officials that took her to court to prevent the trip all by herself.
The courts ruled that the Child Protection Board will share custody over Laura with her parents for two months. During those two months, a child psychologist will assess the girl’s mental state and ability to carry out a solo trip around the world. The Child Protection Board said they took on the action to stop the teen from attempting to become the youngest person to circle the globe because they believe the voyage would be too dangerous.The parents of Laura Dekker where happy with the decision of the courts saying that she still has the chance to be the youngest girl to sail around the world.(
I think it was good that the court steeped in. I wouldn’t send my kid around the world all alone. Sailing for a year at sea anything could happen. There was just a 17 year old boy in London that just finished sailing around the world being the youngest one to do so but he had boats that traveled along with his the whole time just in case something happened. Maybe she should go with that option.
Emil Gilbert

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