Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Zimbabweans Trials and Tribulations

Although at the moment Zimbabwe isn't facing wars and attacks, they are facing situations much more serious; such as food shortages and fatal disease. Right now five million Zimbabweans face starvation. And humanitarians fear an epidemic of cholera, a disease that booms in areas without clean water and proper sanitation. United Nations say more than half of the population have limited access or no access to clean water. And to make things worse doctors are on strike requesting a $1000 monthly salary as well as housing and car allowances. Zimbabweans situation worsened last year after an economical collapse. But United Nations are trying to fix their situation, but sadly have only raised 44% of the needed funds.

This story is really sad and touching. I believe that more can be done to help them. Americans have been over in the middle east for nearly a decade now. Why isn't that much dedication being put forth to help starving and dying families?

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