Tuesday, August 25, 2009

In an instant, waves go from majestic to monstrous

People watched as waves smashed into the rocky shore, and then a massive wave struck viciously, knocking three people into the ocean. A spectator named Mary Ellen Martel watched as bodies floated in the waters. Because Hurricane Bill was sending massive waves towards the coast, a tourist spot called the "Thunder Hole" in New England was closed for the safety of the ocean viewers. Even that didn't make the area safe. There's a rock cliff about 20 feet high which a wave came over and drenched the ground beneath the people standing there; everyone's feet were completely soaked.

I have relatives that have been to New England in that exact spot. I'm sure it was a great place to go sightseeing, but possibly also dangerous. Since I am a Florida resident and I used to live right on the water, I know about safety precautions which could make things a little more on the safe side. I probably wouldn't have gone near the water if I knew the waves were abnormally large, unless I really had to.


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