Thursday, August 20, 2009

Afghani woman where plummeted by stones and spit on as they protested to a new bill being passed into law. The woman where defending their rights a few days before the election saying that the bill is just being passed to gain votes by the Shiite.
The new law being passed will make Afghan wives virtual slaves and make it o.k. to rape them letting the men starve their wives if they refuse sex. One article in the law stipulates that the wife "is bound to preen for her husband as and when he desires. As long as the husband is not traveling, he has the right to have sexual intercourse with his wife every fourth night."
This is just one out of many that have caught the attention of human rights activist they even have a law saying that a woman cannot leave her home unless she is accompanied by a man which is one of the favorites among the Shiite community.
Thank god this doesn’t go on in the U.S with all we accomplished we have woman doctors, astronauts, teachers, police officers, government officials and so much more. It amazes me how far behind we would be as a nation if we didn’t have this or value their opinions

Emil Gilbert

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