Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Afghanistan hit by attacks 2 days before election

10 people died in Afghanistan a few days before the inauguration. Many believe it was the Taliban's efforts to disrupt the election. The president Harmid Karzai was not injured in these event. According to the United Nations, two of its Afghan members were killed because of these violent actions. Other attacks include a suicide bombing in Afghan National Army checkpoint, rockets were launched at the presidential palace, a suicide car bombing in Kabul, and there have been other attacks which may have not been reported as of yet.

I have a friend in the Army and a few more in the Navy, all of which are stationed near Afghanistan. I'm not a big fan of the war, but I feel that sending in troops to protect a U.S. ally and help him become president, may help the governmental and economical issues over there. It's either that or let the Taliban control and have them be a threat our nation's security. I also believe there's a certain point which should not be crossed; more tactics and less people in the battle zone may have dramatically reduced casualties. Obama believes his strategy will win the war; let’s just all hope it goes down as planned.

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/19/world/asia/19afghan.html?_r=1&ref=global-home

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