Saturday, August 29, 2009

Dutch court halts girl's solo sailing plans

A Dutch court intervened Friday to stop a 13-year-old girl from attempting to sail around the world by herself, stripping her parents of sole custody. The 13 year old girl Laura Dekker's parents support her with her decision to sail around the world by herself that’s when it started to catch the concerns of child protection officials that took her to court to prevent the trip all by herself.
The courts ruled that the Child Protection Board will share custody over Laura with her parents for two months. During those two months, a child psychologist will assess the girl’s mental state and ability to carry out a solo trip around the world. The Child Protection Board said they took on the action to stop the teen from attempting to become the youngest person to circle the globe because they believe the voyage would be too dangerous.The parents of Laura Dekker where happy with the decision of the courts saying that she still has the chance to be the youngest girl to sail around the world.(
I think it was good that the court steeped in. I wouldn’t send my kid around the world all alone. Sailing for a year at sea anything could happen. There was just a 17 year old boy in London that just finished sailing around the world being the youngest one to do so but he had boats that traveled along with his the whole time just in case something happened. Maybe she should go with that option.
Emil Gilbert

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A New Form Of Wheelchair?


Medical and Robotics experts in Japan have recently revealed a new style of wheelchair... one you sit in like a motorcycle rather than a chair. The design was worked on so it would require less assistance for those physically disabled to enter and exit the "chair" and to offer better manueverability. It isn't for sale now, except to private companies, but is this the wheelchair of the future?

A better wheelchair can mean a lot for those disabled. Anyone you know who has trouble walking my benefit from this new design. Let's hope it passes all the safety tests and is released if it really is better than what we have now.

China moves to cut use of executed inmates' organs

China is trying a new organ donation system to try and reduce it's need of body parts from executed prisoners. In the past they relied greatly on the executed prisoners because people don't volunteer to be donors; they are cultural bias against organs removed before burial. Their old system is always being criticized for being for profit and unethical. Critics say death row inmates personal religious and cultural beliefs are being violated. Also death row inmates may feel pressured to become donors.
I understand why China were using the organs, because the great demand for them. But that also doesn't make it right. It is violating their right if they don't want to be an organ donor, even in death. Its a good idea for them to try and come up with a new system.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

In an instant, waves go from majestic to monstrous

People watched as waves smashed into the rocky shore, and then a massive wave struck viciously, knocking three people into the ocean. A spectator named Mary Ellen Martel watched as bodies floated in the waters. Because Hurricane Bill was sending massive waves towards the coast, a tourist spot called the "Thunder Hole" in New England was closed for the safety of the ocean viewers. Even that didn't make the area safe. There's a rock cliff about 20 feet high which a wave came over and drenched the ground beneath the people standing there; everyone's feet were completely soaked.

I have relatives that have been to New England in that exact spot. I'm sure it was a great place to go sightseeing, but possibly also dangerous. Since I am a Florida resident and I used to live right on the water, I know about safety precautions which could make things a little more on the safe side. I probably wouldn't have gone near the water if I knew the waves were abnormally large, unless I really had to.


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Afghani woman where plummeted by stones and spit on as they protested to a new bill being passed into law. The woman where defending their rights a few days before the election saying that the bill is just being passed to gain votes by the Shiite.
The new law being passed will make Afghan wives virtual slaves and make it o.k. to rape them letting the men starve their wives if they refuse sex. One article in the law stipulates that the wife "is bound to preen for her husband as and when he desires. As long as the husband is not traveling, he has the right to have sexual intercourse with his wife every fourth night."
This is just one out of many that have caught the attention of human rights activist they even have a law saying that a woman cannot leave her home unless she is accompanied by a man which is one of the favorites among the Shiite community.
Thank god this doesn’t go on in the U.S with all we accomplished we have woman doctors, astronauts, teachers, police officers, government officials and so much more. It amazes me how far behind we would be as a nation if we didn’t have this or value their opinions

Emil Gilbert

East Africa Finally Obtains Faster Internet

Fiber-Optic lines are arriving in Tanzania in a $650 million dollar project by Seacom to bring East Africa access to broadband. Giving another opportunity than satellite internet in the area may boost education and health care. It also may open up job opportunities that did not exist with the painfully slow internet that plagues Tanzania. It may become like Singapore and India as another outsourcing hub. However, all computer parts are imported and often too expensive. They need locally made computers to take this new opportunity to its fullest potential.

Outsourcing has lost Americans jobs in some tech industries. Companies that outsource do it because of the cheaper cost. Potentially this could effect some people in the IT industry, but hopefully not too many. As someone going into the IT industry, I would not like to lose a job because it's cheaper to outsource. Even so, I wish them nothing but luck in setting up this faster line.

Hellish scenes as six bombs blast rip through Baghdad

On Wed. August 19 Baghdad suffered from a multiple of bombings 95 were killed and 536 were wounded. They have claimed that this is Iraq bloodiest day this year. The bombings stuck near government ministries and other targets near the heart of Iraq. They say the attacks are acts of terrorist but will not change there efforts in making Iraq a peaceful and prosperous society. Two suspects have been arrested and are believed to be al Qaeda in Iraq senior leaders. The U.S. pulled all combat troops from the Iraqi cities on June 30 and left the security in their hands Iraqi hands. Since then Iraqis have been ordered to move the concrete blast walls the bordered the house and buildings in Baghdad. There has been major incidents of violence in the past couple years in Iraq. Just in 2009 there has been 6 incidents and that's not including this one that just happened.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Zimbabweans Trials and Tribulations

Although at the moment Zimbabwe isn't facing wars and attacks, they are facing situations much more serious; such as food shortages and fatal disease. Right now five million Zimbabweans face starvation. And humanitarians fear an epidemic of cholera, a disease that booms in areas without clean water and proper sanitation. United Nations say more than half of the population have limited access or no access to clean water. And to make things worse doctors are on strike requesting a $1000 monthly salary as well as housing and car allowances. Zimbabweans situation worsened last year after an economical collapse. But United Nations are trying to fix their situation, but sadly have only raised 44% of the needed funds.

This story is really sad and touching. I believe that more can be done to help them. Americans have been over in the middle east for nearly a decade now. Why isn't that much dedication being put forth to help starving and dying families?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Afghanistan hit by attacks 2 days before election

10 people died in Afghanistan a few days before the inauguration. Many believe it was the Taliban's efforts to disrupt the election. The president Harmid Karzai was not injured in these event. According to the United Nations, two of its Afghan members were killed because of these violent actions. Other attacks include a suicide bombing in Afghan National Army checkpoint, rockets were launched at the presidential palace, a suicide car bombing in Kabul, and there have been other attacks which may have not been reported as of yet.

I have a friend in the Army and a few more in the Navy, all of which are stationed near Afghanistan. I'm not a big fan of the war, but I feel that sending in troops to protect a U.S. ally and help him become president, may help the governmental and economical issues over there. It's either that or let the Taliban control and have them be a threat our nation's security. I also believe there's a certain point which should not be crossed; more tactics and less people in the battle zone may have dramatically reduced casualties. Obama believes his strategy will win the war; let’s just all hope it goes down as planned.


Mexican Army takes over Border Patrol

Mexico trying to crack down on it's borders. Mexico is in the midst of a raging war on organized crime.Drugs leaving the country and U.S. guns and ammo into the country.Army took over the border after many Custom agents were linked to contraband operations


China is asking for assitance to clean up the damage of Typhoon Morakat

Since Typhoon Morakat hit Taiwan a little over two weeks ago, China has been reaching their hand out for help. They are trying to get other countries to send them large machinery, and large helicopters, or cargo planes. All this in order to continue search and rescue efforts to find survivors. 108 deaths were confirmed, and an additional 4,000 troops were sent to help in rescue efforts. Over 14,00 people were air evacuated. Typhoon Morakat was said to had caused the cost flooding to China in the past 50 years. they received over 80 inches of rain. The typhoon also damaged the mainland of China. It will take an estimated $225 million dollars to fix the damage from the Storm. Being that the U.S would be the nation that would have all these items, China is really looking for the U. S to send aid to help with rescue efforts.

Windows 7 is better than Vista

For all of those who have struggled with Windows Vista, set your mind on Windows 7. Even in its test form, Windows 7 has defeated Windows Vista in many benchmarks and in daily tasks. Although the look and feel maybe similar to Vista, the mechanics, stability, and ability to correctly use drivers will be far superior.

Many people have tested the beta version and were startled when they believed they saw a mere clone of Windows Vista. They were surprised when they discovered that Windows 7 wasn't just great with Benchmarks, it excelled in everyday tasks and situations.

According to an article from ZD Net, Install time was decreased dramatically as well as startup, shutdown, restart and updating using Windows Update. The taskbar has been improved and they added a feature that allows you to snap windows which makes viewing content in separate windows much easier. One of the better enhancements was the way Windows 7 utilizes resources. It is much more resource friendly! I am a Windows Vista user and I can tell you, my machine has 4 gigs of RAM and Vista manages to use almost half of that when it's just idling.

I believe Windows 7 will be a huge advancement to the technological industry, and I am definitely going to be purchasing it when it releases on October 22, 2009. Windows 7 brings many enhancements and upgrades which most are left unveiled. Keep in mind this new version is still under development. Many enhancements or changes can still be made at this point.

Click the link below to take the Microsoft Windows 7 tour.

Performance review:
